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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Fwd: Error creating the wall transfer function coeffients

Dear leen,

Thanks for your email!
I tried till 9 hours as the TIMEBASE which can work. But could you please tell me the detailed reasons for that? i.e. why we need so large TIMEBASE 9 hours to meet its Stability Criteria?

Thanks in advance!

2012/11/15 leen peeters <l.f.r.peeters@gmail.com>
Can you open in TRNBUILD the 'project' window, and consequently the 'outputs', change the timebase for calculation of your transfer function to something higher. I think it is standard on 2 hour, change it into 5, check. If it works, then try 4, ..... until you reach the lowest possible number

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 10:28 PM, 王洋 <wanghongyang1767@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

I have a question about *.BUI file. I create a project with about 30 zones using TRNSYS 16.
Before I created the seventeenth zone using the same exterior wall and floor as well as interior wall etc for the project, it worked well. But when the seventeenth zone created, it appeared an ERROR in TRNBuild: Error creating the wall transfer function coeffients. Please see the attached figure. The second file is its INF file.

If you had some relative experience, PLEASE tell me how to solve with this problem.

Thanks in advance!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 王洋 <wanghongyang1767@gmail.com>
Date: 2012/11/15
Subject: Error creating the wall transfer function coeffients
To: trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu

Dear all,

I have a question about *.BUI file. I create a project with about 30 zones using TRNSYS 16.
Before I created the seventeenth zone using the same exterior wall and floor as well as interior wall etc for the project, it worked well. But when the seventeenth zone created, it appeared an ERROR in TRNBuild: Error creating the wall transfer function coeffients. Please see the attached figure. The second file is its INF file.

If you had some relative experience, PLEASE tell me how to solve with this problem.

Thanks in advance!


2012/11/12 <trnsys-users-request@cae.wisc.edu>
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Type 15-2: Relationship between data arrangements,
      simulation times and convergence (David BRADLEY)
   2. simulation trend opposite to reality (validation)
      (Karol Bandurski)

---------- 已转发邮件 ----------
From: David BRADLEY <d.bradley@tess-inc.com>
To: Flynn Ciaran <ciaran.flynn@aalto.fi>
Cc: "trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu" <trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 11:09:38 -0600
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 15-2: Relationship between data arrangements, simulation times and convergence
  Option 1) is incorrect. Type15 is intended to be used with year-long weather files that have a 1-hour data interval. The component knows from the simulation start and stop time what day of the year it is, so if you trick it by setting the simulation start time to hour zero and rearrange the weather file to start in the middle of the year, what the Type calculates about the sunup and sundown times and what the data file says is happening are not going to match at all. Option 2 is the only correct one.

On 11/12/2012 06:32, Flynn Ciaran wrote:



I have a couple of questions concerning the relationship between the arrangement of data in TMY2 weather files, TRNSYS simulation times and convergence errors. I tried looking at the source code but I could not figure out the answer..
I am running a simulation for one year, using Type 15-2 for weather, starting at 1h on July 1st and ending at 24h on June 30th. This leaves me with two options:
1) Either I rearrange the tm2 file to start at 1h on the 1st of July and end at 24h on June 30th, and set the simulation start and stop times to 0 and 8760h respectively, or
2) Either I leave the weather file as it is and set the simulation start and stop times at 4344h and 13104h respectively.


When I use a provided weather file (e.g. CA-BC-Vancouver-718920.tm2) and set the simulation time step at 0.1h, I get the following:



Failed convergence time steps

Time steps where:
calculated total horizontal radiation > horizontal extraterrestrial radiation

Time steps where:
direct normal radiation > solar constant

Time steps where:
calculated horizontal beam radiation > total horizontal radiation












So my question are:

-          Why is TRNSYS giving different error messages if the same weather data are used ? (I believe that there are no other types in my file that could explain the reason for this)

-          What parameters do the radiation values calculated by TRNSYS depend on and how are they calculated?

-          What is the best approach in this situation (minimal radiation errors)?


Thanks a lot,






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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
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---------- 已转发邮件 ----------
From: "Karol Bandurski" <karol.bandurski@put.poznan.pl>
To: <trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu>, <bldg-sim@lists.onebuilding.org>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 18:22:45 +0100
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] simulation trend opposite to reality (validation)

Dear All,


I simulate the dwelling in TRNSYS. Last time a try to validate my model and I compare simulation results with measurements.

Heat consumption has been measured in dwelling every week (the same day of week and the same hour).

Trnsys simulation generate results for dwelling’s model with ideal heating assumptions (set temperature 20/21) –NTYPE2 (sensible energy demand).


Total heat consumption (measurements) of dwelling and energy demand (simulation) of simulated model are quite similar (36 weeks from September to June), but if we look on weekly results there are bigger difference with interesting regularity:


if heat consumption decreases from one week to the next, then energy demand increase, and vice versa (I enclose graph).


Could you tell me what can cause this lack of coincidence?

I will be grateful for any hints!





Karol Bandurski MSc.

Institute of Environmental Engineering

Poznan University of Technology




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