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[TRNSYS-users] Type 641 (Humidifier TESS Libary) - Version 17.025

Dear TRNSYS Users,

I'm trying to implement a AHU model by coupling every component. AHU also comprises an adiabatic humidifier modeled by means type 641.
When I try to simulate it, I always receive a message saying that the entered Relative humidity is greather than 100%.

Looking in the code I found where the problem come from.
!Check the Inputs for Problems
 If ((RHin > 1.) .and. (mode == 2)) Call FoundBadInput(3,'Fatal','The return air relative humidity is greater than 100.')

And where inputs are taken correspond to the following part of the code

!Get the Current Inputs to the Model
 Tin = getInputValue(1)        
 Win = getInputValue(2)        
 RHin = getInputValue(3)    !Should it be  RHin = getInputValue(3)/100??? (*)

Could somebody tell me, whether this "new type" (it seems to have been written in other language) uses relative humidity values between 0-1 (as inputs)?
Or maybe there is a mistake in the code (*)?
Does this model provide output values (RH) in percentage or between 0-1?

Thanks in advance!

Roberto Ruiz

 University of Liège
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Thermodynamics Laboratory
Campus of Sart-Tilman, B49 (P33)
Chemin des Chevreuils, 7
Phone  : +32 4 366 48 25 / +32 496 38 46 82
Fax    : +32 4 366 48 12
Mailto : r.ruiz@ulg.ac.be 
Web : http://www.labothap.ulg.ac.be/