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[TRNSYS-users] numerical differential equation solver



I’m using the numerical differential equation solver feature from TRNSYS17.1.16 (DFQ=1 runge-kutta) in a user component (temperature value) and I’m wondering if there is a way to get the final value of the solution returned by GetNumericalSolution(), not only the average value of the solution over the timestep.

I tried to see how it was managed by degugging step-into features but did not found so much (how is tavg variable updated?)… : any detailed comments would be much appreciated ! Especially for the 2 first calls, GetNumericalSolution is returning twice the same value while the preivous SetNumericalDerivative() call was made with a non-zero derivative value.

I hope that the alternative way to get the result will not be to write a self-made diff eq solver…



