Dear All,
I am writing to ask about a problem when coupling Excel to TRNSYS, in fact if the number of Input is <= 8, everything works fine but for 9 or 10 Inputs excel is executed however it seems like the calculations inside Excel are not done because the reported variable doesn’t change. I have seen in the forum that a question about this problem was already asked but I didn’t find an answer. Anyone have an idea about this problem?
Best regards,
Louis Stephan
Ingénieur Chercheur / Docteur
Laboratoire d'Energétique du Bâtiment (LEB)
Recherche, Développement, Innovation Industrielle
50, avenue du Lac Leman
73377 LE BOURGET DU LAC, France
Tel: +33 (4) 79 60 19 42
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