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[TRNSYS-users] Type 592_Steam turbine

Hi every one,

Simulating power plants I had found some problems within the steam turbine, type 592:

  1. I have tried to simulate the power block presented by A.M.Blanco-Marigorta [1]. The high pressure turbine works well, but the results of the low pressure stage are completely different. I tried to simplify the problem and analysed just one stage ("Prueba_Tur" enclosed file): the expansion from:
    1. Tin = 373.4 ºC / Pin = 16.5 bar / Hin = 3196 kJ/kg
    2. Pout = 13.99 bar, which must correspond with Tout = 352 ºC / Hout = 3154.7 kJ/kg. 
But with TRNSYS I got Tout = 239 ºC / Hout = 2897 kJ/kg. Isentropic eff. = 0.85. I checked this with Ebsilon and the results from [1] should be right.
  1. On the other hand, I had found that this turbine, which should works well with 5 extractions/injections, works well up to 4 extraction, but not with 5. Please, find enclosed the example files "Prueba_Tur_LP 4 Extraction" and "Prueba_Tur_LP 5 Extraction"
  2. Finally, as can be seen in "Prueba_Tur_LP 4 Extraction" the pressure along the turbine does not vary as function of the mass flow. Does this mean that the turbine model has not implemented Stodola's law.

Could anyone help me?

Thanks in advanced

[1] Blanco-Marigorta, A. M., Victoria Sanchez-Henríquez, M., & Peña-Quintana, J. A. (2011). Exergetic comparison of two different cooling technologies for the power cycle of a thermal power plant. Energy, 36(4), 1966-1972. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360544210005128
Javier Sanz Bermejo
IMDEA Energía

Phone: +34-917371147
e-mail: javier.sanz@imdea.org
web: http://www.energia.imdea.org

Change the world; get into "Reduced, Reused and Recycled" Energy Cycle
   1st: Reduce energy consumption
          2nd: Increase energy efficiency
                  3rd: Use renewable energy

Attachment: Prueba_Tur_LP 4 Extraciones.tpf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Prueba_Tur.tpf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Exergetic comparison of two different cooling technologies for the power cycle_A M Blanco-Marigorta_Energy 2011.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

fn:Javier Sanz Bermejo
n:Sanz Bermejo;Javier
org:IMDEA Energia;High Temperature Processes Unit
adr;quoted-printable:;;C/ Tulip=C3=A1n s/n;Mostoles;Madrid;;Spain
title:Pre-doctoral researcher
tel;work:+34-916 179 943