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[TRNSYS-users] Type 618_Limited maximum pressure

Hi every one,

I am trying to simulate solar power plants, but I got the following errors within the pump, type 618, in a simple case as the enclosed one:
  1. If inlet pressure is 0.05 bar and outlet below 90 bar, it works well. But if outlet pressure is set above 110 bar you get: "run-time error M6201: Math - : Domain error..." You get the same error even if inlet pressure is higher. Did anyone find the problem, or a solution? Is this parameter limited to any value? I have checked the source code, but I could not find the error.
  2. On the other hand, the 2nd parameter "Thermal Loss Fraction" looks like should be higher than the "pump efficiency". It means, big numbers such as 0.8, 0.9.... And not 0.15. In the examples (Rankine cycle, Steam-electric power plant) this parameter is called "Pump motor efficiency". Which is the right name?
Thanks in advanced

Javier Sanz Bermejo
IMDEA Energía

Phone: +34-917371147
e-mail: javier.sanz@imdea.org
web: http://www.energia.imdea.org

Change the world; get into "Reduced, Reused and Recycled" Energy Cycle
   1st: Reduce energy consumption
          2nd: Increase energy efficiency
                  3rd: Use renewable energy

Attachment: Prueba_Pump.tpf
Description: Binary data

fn:Javier Sanz Bermejo
n:Sanz Bermejo;Javier
org:IMDEA Energia;High Temperature Processes Unit
adr;quoted-printable:;;C/ Tulip=C3=A1n s/n;Mostoles;Madrid;;Spain
title:Pre-doctoral researcher
tel;work:+34-916 179 943