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[TRNSYS-users] trnsed pull-down menu like syntax to parametric runs



I’ve made a trnsed file with pull-down menu for parameters selection from a formatted file as described in manual TRNSYS17 §6.10.9. I’ve declared the variables as constants so that these variables appear in the parametric context: ok, it works fine with trnsed. My wish would be to use the same formatted file to both trnsed user interface and parametric runs, just telling to the parametric table to vary the number of the line to read in the file: after several syntax tries, I failed to do that :  at the moment it’s not possible, is that correct ? Do you have any tip to perform this way nevertheless ?


Thanks for your help,


David Chèze


tel. +33(0)479601437 – CEA INES Leth  - Le Bourget du Lac (73), FRANCE - bât. PUMA3 bur. 204