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Re: [TRNSYS-users] convergence problem

Dear Karol,

Maybe you can increase the number of time step in CONTAM, before creating your TRNSYS input file. (Simulation - Set Simulation Parameter - AirFlow Numerics Tab)
You may also use a differential controler (Type2)
instead of using an equation like GT(T_1,24,) ton control your input.

best regards

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Le 23/12/2011 08:45, Karol Bandurski a écrit :



I have modeled natural ventilated house using Contam and type 56.


One of inputs of type 97 (CONATM) is  ‘Adjustable opening: ZoneA/<1>->ambt/ <path16>’.

I control this value depending on the ZoneA temperature:


‘Adjustable opening: ZoneA/<1>->ambt/ <path16>’=1 for T_ZoneA>24 C


using Equation (gt(T_A,24)).


But I get error that maximum number of warnings: ‘The inputs to the listed units have not converged at this timestep. The values at the last iteration will be used and the simulation will proceed’ allowed per simulation has been exceeded.


I have tried to use type93 between type 97 and Equation with 1 or 100 timestep stored, but error still appear.


Parameters of simulation (I wouldn’t like to change it, especially timestep):

Timestep=0.1 h

Tolerance convergence=0.001

Before ‘WARNNING’: 30

Before ‘ERROR’: 30


Could you help me?


Christmas Regards!



Karol Bandurski MSc.

Institute of Environmental Engineering

Poznan University of Technology




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