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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Error in Macro

Dr Abdunnabi,
  As Matt mentioned, if all of your collectors are plumbed in a pattern (say 30 in parallel or 15 in parallel and 2 sets in series) then you can use the "number in series" and "number in parallel" parameters to simulate the whole collector array with a single instance of the collector component. This method neglects the thermal losses from the piping between collectors and can't be used if you have a complicated flow pattern. The fewer components in your system, the faster TRNSYS will be able to solve them so if you can reduce the number of components, you will get some benefits from that.

  My guess is that when you run the smaller parts of your system (the micros) individually, the simulation converges well but that when you add the others, some output is not converging. If turning on the "debug" switch in the simulation control cards does not help then please send your input file to your distributor and they should be able to help further.
Kind regards,

On 10/30/2011 04:30, mohammad abdunnabi wrote:
Dear Trnsys Users
I've faced problem when I used macro. The macro is consists of 30 evacuated tube collector with flow diverters and mixers. I've used three maco in my system to be simulated with the other components such as sotrage tanks auxilary heaters etc. When I run the program the following error appears:
Range check error
Bear in mind that each micro works fine (when I delete the other macros). Can any body help
Many thanks in advace
Dr. Mohammad Abdunnabi
Head of Thermal Energy conversion Department
Center for Solar Energy Research and Studies (CSERS)
P.O.Box: 12932
Tel.: +218 21 3699323
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