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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Questions about Win libs


That is the DOE2 output report from the LBL WINDOW program. The TRNSYS Building model conveniently also reads those files for its windows. Even though I do not know exactly what those are, I am confident that you could refer to the WINDOW documentation for more information.

Best regards,

Matt Duffy

----- Original Message -----
From: "" <pseudomino@gmx.com>
Sent: Tue, April 19, 2011 8:49
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Questions about Win libs

Some questions from an ignorant.

In a W4-lib.dat file, what are :

- Vis ?
- Tir ?
- dVis, dDens, dPr... some "dérivates" ? but how are they used and what for ?


WINDOW 4.1  TRNSYS 15 Data File : Multi Band Calculation
Unit System : SI
Name        : TRNSYS 15 WINDOW LIB
Desc        : Simple
Window ID   : 1001
Tilt        : 90.0
Glazings    : 1
Frame       :  1 Al no break          10.790
Spacer    &nb! sp; :  1 Class1        &n bsp;       2.330  -0.010   0.138
Total Height: 1219.2 mm
Total Width :  914.4 mm
Glass Height: 1104.9 mm
Glass Width :  800.1 mm
Mullion     : None
Gap        Thick   Cond  dCond    Vis   dVis   Dens   dDens     Pr     dPr
1              0       0      0      0      0      0       0      0       0
2              0       0      0 &nb! sp;    0      0      0       0      0       0
3              0       0      0      0      0      0       0      0       0
4              0       0      0      0      0      0       0      0       0
5          &nbs! p;   0       0  &nbs p;   0      0      0      0       0      0       0
Angle     0    10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80    90 Hemis
Tsol  0.850 0.850 0.848 0.844 0.835 0.814 0.766 0.652 0.399 0.000 0.770
Abs1  0.075 0.076 0.077 0.080 0.083 0.087 0.091 0.093 0.092 0.000 0.084
Abs2      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
Abs3      0     0&nb! sp;    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
Abs4      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
Abs5      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
Abs6      0     0     0     0     0 &! nbsp;   0     0     0     0     0     0
Rfsol 0.075 0.074 0.075 0.076 0.082 0.099 0.144 0.255 0.509 1.000 0.136
Rbsol 0.075 0.074 0.075 0.076 0.082 0.099 0.144 0.255 0.509 1.000 0.136
Tvis  0.901 0.901 0.900 0.897 0.890 0.871 0.824 0.706 0.441 0.000 0.823
Rfvis 0.081 0.081 0.082 0.083 0.090 0.108 0.155 0.271 0.536 1.000 0.146
Rbvis 0.081 0.081 0.082 0.083 0.090 0.108 0.155 0.271 0.536 1.000 0.146
SHGC  0.870 0.870 0.868 0.865 0.857 0.837 0.790 0.677 0.423 0.000 0.792
SC: 0.94
Layer ID#            1        0        0        0        0        0
Tir              0.000    &nbs! p;   0        0        0        0        0
Emis F           0.840        0        0        0        0        0
Emis B           0.840        0        0        0        0        0
Thickness(mm)      2.5        0        0        0  &nb! sp;     0        ; 0
Cond(W/m2-C     ) 360.0        0        0        0        0        0
Spectral File     None     None     None     None     None     None
Overall and Center of Glass Ig U-values (W/m2-C)
Outdoor Temperature                 -17.8 C      15.6 C      26.7 C      37.8 C
Solar      WdSpd  hcout hrout  hin
(W/m2)     (m/s)     (W/m2-C)
0        0.00  12.25  3.43&nb! sp; 8.23  5.32 5.32  4.99 4.99  4.98 4.98  5.59 5.59
0        6.71  25.47  3.34  8.30  6.33 6.33  5.79 5.79  5.74 5.74  6.54 6.54
783        0.00  12.25  3.47  8.18  5.30 5.30  4.76 4.76  5.24 5.24  5.70 5.70
783        6.71  25.47  3.37  8.28  6.32 6.32  5.64 5.64  5.96 5.96  6.63 6.63

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