Dear TRNSYS users (and developers), With TRNSYS 17, Type 15-6 generate the following error when trying to start a simulation between hours 1024 to 4095, with a small time step (eg 0.1 or 0.15 hour): "Message : Unable to correctly read from the supplied data file - please check the file an re-run the simulation." Have you ever got the same error in this configuration? I also observed a mistake in the code of Type15 when calculating maximum and minimum of monthly avarage temperatures: The code is as follows : ! Calculate the max and min monthly average j_min=1 j_max=1 Do j=2,12 If (month_ave_T(j) > month_ave_T(j-1)) j_max=j If (month_ave_T(j) < month_ave_T(j-1)) j_min=j EndDo With this code, in the Nothern hemisphere, January can't be the coldest month even if it is. The coldest month will generally be December that is colder that November. I think the code should be: ! Calculate the max and min monthly average j_min=1 j_max=1 Do j=2,12 If (month_ave_T(j) > month_ave_T(j_max)) j_max=j If (month_ave_T(j) < month_ave_T(j_min)) j_min=j EndDo Regards, --
Samuel Hennaut Chercheur - Doctorant Université de Liège Département Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement Equipe BEMS - Building Energy Monitoring and Simulation 185, Avenue de Longwy B-6700 ARLON ![]() Fax: 32-(0)63 230 800 email: WEB: ![]() |