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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 302 - Solar air collector

Dear Laurent,

I have never used that component, but I did do a solar air heating analysis TRNSED tool and I used Type539 from the TESS Solar Library (I was simulation a collector from an American manufacturer with an SRCC rating) which worked quite well. There is also theoretical solar air collector in the TESS Solar Library.

Best regards,

Matt Duffy

----- Original Message -----
From: "REYNIER Laurent" <laurent.reynier@cstb.fr>
Sent: Thu, January 20, 2011 5:31
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Type 302 - Solar air collector

Dear TRNSYS users,

I’m using the type 302 – Solar Air collector, and in particular, the version 302b2 (air flow above the absorber – surface roughness).

The problem is that, for some time steps, the outputs of the model are incorrect (the output file is filled with the mention NaN).

So i want to know if there are some known limitations for the use of this model (in the value of the inputs for example), some configurations of the model that doesn’t work.

Does anybody have experienced the same probl em ?


Thank you in advance for your help.

Sincerely yours.





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