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[TRNSYS-users] Problem with Economizer Type684c



I would like to use the type 684c (Econimizer - Humidity control) of tess library, but it doesn't work.


When I run the type, I have this error message in "list file" :

"An illegal number of inputs have been specified for this composante. Please check the component configuration. 17 inputs are require but 19 has been specified."


I try to delete this 2 inputs :

 - Input 16 : Zone setpoint temperature ;

 - Input 17 : Coling coil setpoint temperature.


Without this inputs, the type run but, I can't control outside air fraction when I change the humidity setpoint.


Does anyone know how to control this type ?




Maxence BUREAU
Ingénieur de Recherche


Centre de recherche Cylergie
L'Orée d'Ecully - Bât. C - Chemin de la Forestière
69130 - ECULLY
tel. +33472860980 - fax +33478433959

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