----- Original Message -----From: "HAE YEON E!
LLA SUNG" <sung816@kaist.ac.kr>
Sent: Mon, November 22, 2010 8:54
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Geo-Info in TRNBuild after giving up using Sketchupb/c of errors
After getting infinite error messages drawing zones in sketchup with Trnsys3D plugin, we decided to add zones and type in information manually in TRNSBuild. After all the hard work for several days, we just found out about Geo-info that shows all the vertexes, shaders and zones and we think we are in a big trouble!
I would like to know whether there is any solution to add building geometry and external shading geometry in Geo-info sine using sketchup is not reliable at this point. Also, what if we go on without typing in building geometry and external shading geometry in TRNSBuild? If anyone has a similar problem, please let us know what you have done. Thank you.
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