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[TRNSYS-users] tank and glycol.

 Dear Trnsys-users,
Im using Type 60 as a Tank  and have a convergence problem with the solar heat exchanger just when I use glycol in it.
error non convergences for Hx 1. Final UAHx value = 345.adjfhadgfg
That is a reported problem in the list, the solutions indicated were normally  about "adding pipes in the solar loops", to be sure that   in a certain time step  a portion of fluid is not going in and out the pump or similar problems. Or decresing  the internal time steps of the tank.
I tried a wide rate of values for both variables  but it didn´t work. And that happens just not always in the same time step, it depends on the limit of my simulation, i find that strange as well. 
So i´m getting into the "physics behind" during the weekend, but ...hat anyone any advice?
And, about the same situation , with water in der solar loop everything runs with no problems...but can someone explains to me how  deals TRNSYS with a freezed fluid in the collector?
Thanks a lot!!! Enjoy the weekend
(David, thank you, I added my new type succesfully after testing)