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[TRNSYS-users] Control Card

dear Trnsys users,
I'm simulating a solar assisted heat pump system; the simulation 
stops at the beginning and writes a lot of messages like this: 
Warning	TRNSYS Message    441 : The inputs to the listed units have 
not converged at this timestep. The values at the last iteration will 
be used and the simulation will proceed.  Reported information  : 
UNITS: 27  16  22  23  34  17.

Error   TRNSYS Message    450 : The maximum number of warnings 
allowed per simulation has been exceeded. Please fix these warnings or 
increase the limit on the number of warnings allowed per simulation 
(LIMITS command)  Reported information  : Not available

If I change the parameters 14 in the Control Card ("BEFORE ERROR - 
new value: 900 instead of 30) the simulation goes on.
Are results still correct?

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