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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Invalid floating point operation: strange behaviour

are you sure m_acqua is declared as a real?
if it is declared as an integer, or if it isn't declared, il could be the reason of the error.


Matteo DF a écrit :
Hi everybody,
I'm having some problems with a type I'm developing... I'm using Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6.c.

Here's the problem, I have these simple line of code, some variable's names are in italian but there's no problem I hope...


The problem is that if I pass the right value to m_acqua (which is a flowrate) I get an "Invalid floating point operation" error. The correct value for m_acqua si 1500 kg/h which I converted in kg/s, 0.416667. If I pass this value I get the error, if i raise to 5-10 kg/s there's no error. If I raise only to 2-3 kg/s the simulation lasts longer but eventually gives an error...

Where can the problem be?

Many thanks,

La scoperta è vedere ciò che tutti hanno sempre visto e
pensare ciò che nessuno ha mai pensato.
(Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, scopritore della vitamina C e premio Nobel)

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