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That error message ("The error occurred at info (7)=0 and info (13)=0") does
not look like a standard TRNSYS error message - at least not one that I have
seen before... Is this a message you find in the TRNSYS log file? Perhaps if
you attach your log file (or part of it) we will be able to help you more.
But if the error happens in the Matlab m-file then you will have to debug it
within Matlab. In that case TRNSYS can only report an error code if you
implement that properly in your m-file (see the example m-files) and if
Matlab does not just crash or hang.

Michaël Kummert

From: mohamad rasouli [mailto:mohamadr_eng@yahoo.com] 
Sent: January 7, 2010 15:26
To: trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu

Hi there,

I am trying to call a m-file (written in MATLAB) into my TRNSYS model. I
have followed the procedure given in the examples (e.g, solar collector).
However, I am getting an error repeatedly " The error occurred at info (7)=0
and info (13)=0". I would appreciate that if someone could help me with it.

Mohammad Rasouli
University of Saskatchewan