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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Stuck simulation

It is a bit hard to say without running your simulation from the debugger. I have run into some rare cases when the code got into an infinite loop internally. The fact that the problem happens at different times when you start it at different spots suggests that this might not be the case, however. Have you tried activating the TRACE function to see if you can see a non-convergence in the inputs and outputs before it hangs up?
Kind regards,

Vincent Dolisy wrote:
Dear TRNSYS users,

I am trying to run a rather big simulation (building + system) with
TRNSYS. The maximum number of outputs was exceeded so that I increased
this value in the source code.

When I run a simulation from the hour 0 until 3000 the "TRNEXE-plotter"
stops at the hour 2678.58 with a classical "This program does not respond"
(the percentage of processor used is 50%, this means TRNSYS is still
running). There is no error message and I have to use CTRL+ALT+DEL to stop
the program. I have checked some simulation variables (temperature,
humidity, PID,...) just when the program stops (Hour=2678.58) but
everything looks normal.

When I run the simulation from the hour 2600 until 3000 I have the same
problem but it happens one hour earlier (2677.80).

I have also tried to run from 2600 until 2680 to see if TRNSYS can finish
the simulation (although the plotter is stuck), but it cannot.

Does anyone have an idea about the causes of this problem (convergence in
TRNSYS, Windows XP,...) ?


Kind regards,

Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC David BRADLEY 22 N. Carroll Street - Suite 370 Partner Madison, WI 53703 USA P: +1.608.274.2577 F: +1.608.278.1475 E-mail: bradley@tess-inc.com Web Pages: http://www.tess-inc.com and http://www.trnsys.com
