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[TRNSYS-users] Chilled Water Cooling System



In simulating my chilled water system (with Fan coil unit using variable speed fan and cooling coil; cooling tower using constant pump), I connected my equipment to my building model. The system runs and I managed to obtain the zone properties (i.e temp and RH). However my chiller shows a constant data (i.e. const flow rate, power, heat rejection etc) throughout the simulation, even though I used variable speed pump for my chilled water.


I am expecting the chiller data to vary according to the cooling load of my building. So my question is, by connecting the cooling equipment to my building, will it recognize the different building loads?


Or can I alternatively use Type682 to obtain the building loads and connect it to my chiller system to check its performance? And if I were to use this approach, how do I determine the zone properties of my building during cooling.


Or any advice on what may be missing from my original model.


Note: I am using the sample catalog available in TRNSYS for my chiller.


Any help is deeply appreciated.


Nguan Teck

NTU, Singapore