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[TRNSYS-users] Error in Slab Component Type705 ?

Dear all,


I started using the Type 705 Slab component and I found something that look like an error, unless I misunderstand something.


I created a simple project with the slab itself, not connected to anything, because my aim is simply to plot the deep earth temperature calculated with the Kusuda equation .

In this project, the slab height is 0.1m deep, and the deep earth for the soil is 1m deep. So the total depth of the soil is 1.1m.


When I plot it against an independent Kusuda calculator (Type77) for the same depth, I don’t find the same curves/results. (see attached project + don’t forget to save the .pipe in the project folder)

I made sure the soil properties are the same in both component.


Is there really something wrong or do I miss something there?


Best regards,


François Badinier

Development Engineer


1 Hatfield House

Baltic Street West

London EC1Y OST




Attachment: Slab_testo.Pipe
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Slab alone test.tpf
Description: Binary data