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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Equation


You could try to translate the "if else" structures into boolean expressions:

and(,) or(,) eql(,) are other logical operators that can be used besides gt(,) and lt(,). (they all take 2 arguments).
These are operators used in fortran if i'm not mistaken.

You can put these together in something like:

and(gt(condition1),lt(condition2))*output1 + and(eql(condition3),eql(condition4))*ouput2

Another possibility is writing your own component in C++, in which you can
use "if else" and other logical structures.

Hope this helps.

kind regards,


Citeren Liam O'Brien <obrien_liam@hotmail.com>:

Hello All,

Is anyone aware of a good guide for using Equation (i.e. "insert new equation")? The only thing I could find in the manual is a 2-pager in Chapter 2 about Studio.

Basically, what I would like to do is apply some basic controls, like: if condition A do this, if condition B do this, if condition C do this, else do this. For example, I would like to set up where the solar-heated air is sent based on various conditions. I know a single condition can be checked using GT, LT, etc. But I'd like something slightly more advanced. Perhaps my approach is not correct.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

Liam O'Brien
