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[TRNSYS-users] Modelling thermal energy system for melting snow and ice on sports fields

Dear TRNSYS users,

I plan to model an energy system for melting snow and ice on sports fields,
and need a component for modelling the pipe network under the fields (heat
transfer between the pipes and the ground, surface temperature etc.).
Please review the attached document for an explanation of the project. Has
anyone done any similar modelling, and knows of suitable
component/components for this purpose? I am already aware of  the
horizontal ground heat exchanger component (Type 916) from TESS and some
work by dr. Jeffrey Spitler on snow melting on bridges and pavement
surfaces, but would like to know if anyone has experience with this kind of
modelling and the best TRNSYS components available.

Thanks in advance for replying.

Best regards,

Knut Erik Enerstvedt

PS. When replying, please send a copy to helge.skarphagen@niva.no

(See attached file: artificial grass_combined_ice_rink.ppt)

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Attachment: artificial grass_combined_ice_rink.ppt
Description: MS-Powerpoint presentation