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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Air flow balance in TRNBUILD

 I am not sure whether anyone responded to you about this but my understanding is that Type56 does not perform any air pressure checks. It assumes that whatever air you put into a zone, gets out of that zone. If you have a particular ventilation system setup in which you supply air to one zone and it returns from another then you need to specify a mass flow rate of air (equal to the mass flow rate that you supplied) that transfers from the supply zone to the return zone through an opening in an ADJACENT wall. TRNFlow, COMIS, or CONTAM (Type97) can be used to calculate such interzonal flow rates if they are not simple.

 The way we ususally "extract" air from a zone is to supply air to that zone through three Type56 inputs (T_VENT, RH_VENT, ACH_VENT). We then take the Type56 outputs for zone temperature and relative humidity and the outlet flow rate from the supply fan (which passes around Type56) for the return device.

Kind regards,

At 08:06 5/24/2007, PARTENAY, Vincent wrote:
Hello Trnsys users,
I?m simulating a mutizone building in Trnbuild and I don?t understand how air coupling flows, ventilation and infiltration are balanced (in order not to overload the building for example). How can I extract air from the building ?
Thanks in advance,
Vincent Partenay

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