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[TRNSYS-users] Modeling of a urban canyon with Trnsys

   I am studying the effect on the urban climate of flat-plate collectors
   integrated in the buildings' frontages. To do this study, I am trying to
   model a urban canyon . My idea is to create two zones with TRNBuild, one
   modeling the canyon street and the other one modeling a building. The
   problem is that the street should be open to the upper atmosphere and with
   TRNBuild I have to define a wall. I have created a window which is entirely
   transparent to solar radiation to do as if there was no window. But I
   don't succeed in defining this window as a wall.  I mean I am obliged to
   define a wall and after to add a window to this wall, but the window can't
   have the same area as the wall. So do you know a way to define a window as
   an entire wall?
   Thank you
Guillaume Faye

   P.S.: I would be interested in any other ideas about how to model a urban
   canyon with Trnsys and TRNBuild