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Re: [TRNSYS-users] type94


You can think of Type48 as a controller for the simulation with a pv module and battery storage. The easiest way to simulate a system with a PV module and a battery is to use Type48b (Regulator and inverter/system with battery storage/maximum point tracking/ state of charge (SOC) monitoring) and Type47c (Batteries/Power as input/Shepherd modified Hyman Equation), as they only exchange information regarding power.

From PV panel to Type48:
- If you are using a maximum power tracker, connect the maximum power from the PV panel Type 48's input 1. If you are using a different load curve, connect the power output from the PV instead.

From Loads to Type48:
- If you used Type14 to define your hourly loads, connect it to Type 48's input 2.

Type48 to Type 47:
- Output 2 (power to or from battery) --> Input 1 (Power to or from battery)

Type47 to Type48:
- Output 2 (fractional state of charge) --> Input 3 (Battery fractional state of charge)

These two connections between Type47 and Type48 will make TRNSYS to iterate until it reaches a solution. You may find that you need a short time step to reach a converged solutions at each time step. I used 0.25h and it seemed to work fine.

I will be glad to hear other solutions. Please let me know if you have more questions.
Best regards,


rym chaker wrote:
Please I have a problem with a type 94 ; I can't understand how I connect this type with type 48 and type 47
also I need to know how I connect the Input3 and Input4
Please if any one have an idea; please contact me
thank you
Chaker Rym

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Solar Energy Laboratory
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