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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Exterior wall against ground

  Arie's response is quite correct. Additionally, if you do not want to use the annual ambient temperature as your boundary wall temperature, you can use the temperature of undisturbed ground as calculated by the Kasuda correlation from Type77. This makes the ground temperature a function of depth and time of year. Like with Arie's response, it assumes that the ground is an infinite source / sink and that energy transferred from the building through the wall to the ground does not affect the ground temperature in the long term. We have written a few basement models recently that do account for the change in the ground temperature due to energy transfer through the wall but they assume four basement walls and a floor. If you only have one wall below grade then you might be best off using Arie's method either with the annual average ground temperature or with Type77.

At 12:48 4/12/2007, Helbling Beratung + Bauplanung wrote:
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Hello everybody

Can anyone, tell me whats the best way to simulate a external wall against the ground.
How can I define the ground ??

Thanks in advance

Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Kind regards

Daniel Büchele
Dipl. Ing. Gebäudeklimatik- / Technik

Helbling Holding AG
Hohlstrasse 614
CH-8048 Zürich
Telefon +41 44 438 18 64
Mobile  +41 79 641 44 03
Telefax +41 44 438 18 10
mailto:daniel.buechele@helbling.ch < http://www.helbling.ch >

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