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Re: [TRNSYS-users] About Type 194 Pluggin

Dear Jean-Pierre,
You do not need that file to run the application. Just select the module from the list of available modules, and click on the button 'Calculate'. After you run it once, the button 'Save Inputs' becomes active. You can use it to store the settings that you used for future references. The reason for this feature is that solving for the 5-reference parameters requires the solution of a set of very complex non linear equations. You usually need good guess values to reach a solution. We found some bugs in the version of the application that was released with TRNSYS16.01.0000, which will be fixed in the next release. This release should be ready in a couple of weeks.
Please let me know if you have further questions.
Best regards,


Jean-Pierre BEDRUNE wrote:
I am trying to use the Type 194 Plugin (EES distrbutable) called "PV reference parameters determination". After I select the module in the list, I try to load inputs and it seams to search a Variable Input File (*.var) but I have no such a file in the directory. The only file that could match is the PVDatabase.txt but I cannot load it.
Could you help me please ?
Best ragards, Jean-Pierre BEDRUNE
Laboratoire "PHASE" (Physique de l'Homme Appliquée à Son Environnement)
Bâtiment 3R1 b2
118, route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse cedex 9
Tél : (0)5 61 60 17 66 - Fax : (0)5 61 55 81 54
Master STME_GCS_"Génie de l'HABITAT"  http://geniehabitat.free.fr/

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