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[TRNSYS-users] About Type 194 Pluggin

I am trying to use the Type 194 Plugin (EES distrbutable) called "PV reference parameters determination".
After I select the module in the list, I try to load inputs and it seams to search a Variable Input File (*.var) but I have no such a file in the directory. The only file that could match is the PVDatabase.txt but I cannot load it.
Could you help me please ?
Best ragards,
Jean-Pierre BEDRUNE
Laboratoire "PHASE" (Physique de l'Homme Appliquée à Son Environnement)
Bâtiment 3R1 b2
118, route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse cedex 9
Tél : (0)5 61 60 17 66 - Fax : (0)5 61 55 81 54
Master STME_GCS_"Génie de l'HABITAT"  http://geniehabitat.free.fr/