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Re: [TRNSYS-users] signal-depending summing unit?

Dear Jochen,

I have taken notice of your suggestion. I will try to implement a component that does these operations in the next version.
Best regards,


Jochen Doell wrote:

I have a maybe quite simple problem.
I want to investigate the operating behaviour of an absorption chiller.
In my deck i have a controller which gives me 0 or 1 as a function which controls this chiller. Now i want to know the mean-operating-period, that means if the machine starts running, how many timesteps does it continue until it stops (on the average).
What i need is something like a "signal-depending summing unit". Ideas?

Thanks in advance,
Diego A. Arias
TRNSYS Coordinator
Solar Energy Laboratory
University of Wisconsin - Madison
1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706