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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Opening a .dsp file with Intel Visual Fortran

  I believe that the *.dsp file is created for Compaq Visual Fortran and that the "p" stands for "project." A *.dsw file should also have been created (the "w" stands for "workspace" and there may be multiple projects in a workspace). I think that MS Visual Studio .NET is able to correctly open Compaq *.dsw files and convert them to its native format, which is called a solution and has the extension *.sln.
Kind regards,

At 14:22 1/4/2007, Gabriel Teyssedou wrote:
I am trying to create a new component by using Intel Visual Fortran Version 9.1.3250.2002 with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002. I followed the instructions described in Chapter 1.9 in the getting stated manual to generate the new component; however the project workspace generated by TRNSYS has an extension .dsp and I am unable to open this project file. When I try to open the .dsp file with Microsoft Visual Studio, I am asked if I want to convert the file into a Visual C++ 7.0 project file, which generates a .ncb and a .vcproj files. When I try to build the project, I obtain the following two errors:
Error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol__DllMainCRTStartup@12             
Fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals                                                       
How can I open adequately the initial .dsp file generated by TRNSYS?
Thank you,
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