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[TRNSYS-users] Type4 - control strategy

Dear Trnsys users,
I would like to use Type4 storage tank with one auxiliary heater, only controlled by a ON/OFF controller (Type2). 
However, it seems that the other conditions (temperature conditions inside the tank: Tthermostat < Tset and Tnode < Tset - Tdb) already control the ON/OFF cycle of the auxiliary heater.
What can I do to avoid those two conditions ? If I give the same value to Tdb and Tset , auxiliary heater doesn't work.
I modeled a tank with one node.
Thank you for your answers,
Amandine LE DENN

INSA Toulouse
Mel: amandine.le-denn@tecsol.fr
105 avenue Alfred KASTLER
Tecnosud - B.P 434
66004 PERPIGNAN cedex
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