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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Convection heat transfer coefficients

Dear Elena,

You can find the default values for the calculation of the convection coefficients in the PROPERTIES section of the .inf file:

*  P r o p e r t i e s
DENSITY=0.987 : CAPACITY=1.012 : HVAPOR=2454.0 : SIGMA=2.041e-007 : RTEMP=293.15
*--- alpha calculation -------------------

where the heat transfer coefficient ALPHA is calculated as:
ALPHA_i = K_i /3.6 * abs(T_surface - T_air)^(E_i)

If you want, you can look at the source code of Type56 for the calculation of the heat transfer coefficients (\SourceCode\Type56\OpenSouce\Open_TYPE56.for). This is done in the subroutine CALHTC.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,


Dascalaki Elena wrote:

Dear TRNSYS Users
Using TRNSYS16 for the calculation of convection coefficients of the internal wall surfaces in a very simple building model, I realized that I get different results when I use the "internal calculation" facility in the wall typemanager menu and when I use Type 80. Could you please explain to me where the difference in the two ways of calculation process lies? I would also like to know where I could find the reference for the values of the default coefficients and exponents that are incorporated in TRNSYS16. In the Manuals, the default coefficients given in TRNSYS16 electronic user's manual (page 65) and in Vol.6 (paper verion of the manual for Type 56) the default values seem to be slightly different. Thank you in advance, Elena Dascalaki
Dr. Elena Dascalaki
Building Physicist
Group Energy Conservation (G.R.E.C.)
Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development (IERSD)
National Observatory of Athens (NOA)
I. Metaxa & Vas. Pavlou, GR 152 36, Penteli, Greece
Tel: +30 210 810 9143
Fax: +30 210 810 3236
e-mail: edask@meteo.noa.gr <mailto:edask@meteo.noa.gr>
web site: www.noa.gr <http://www.noa.gr>


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Solar Energy Laboratory
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