I AM javier mota from 3i-ingenieria, madrid.
we have installed a radiaction register in hellin, a city in albacete,spain.
i am studying the data with a data reader and a radiation processor.
i have data from 26-nov to 21 march and i found i have an error "the beam
radiation excedeed the extraterrestrial radion forr 6 time steps."
I am running simulation with a time step of 10 minutes, data reader has data
at intervals of 10 minutes.
I have looked all the parameteres and all lokk ok.
but i have a doubt about the solar constant. 4871 kj / h m2 is the default
value in tyrnsys.
but it is a parmeter value.so i would be able to change this value.
but it is called solar connstant, contant mean it is a fixed value.
so, for this city in sapin, hellin, neqar albacete, the solar constant may
be a parameter that a should change to another value?
thanks in advance.
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