Dear TRNSYS users,
In TRNSYS 16 the windows files to operate with
TRNBuild incorporate windows files (Prgwin.lib, W4-lib.dat) that with the same
WIN ID represent different windows than in the files from forme versions (i.e.
ID 3001, ID 4001 in the American library).
If one wants to use the windows from former
versions, the appropriate window library may be choosen in TRNBuild, and after
clicking on the modify WinID.pool button I guess they are accessible for the
simulation. But what happens if one wants to use in the same simulation windows
from former versions windows files together with some windows from the new
window files, whre the same Win ID correspond to different windows? What is the
edffect of clicking on the 'modify WinID-Pool' button when changing from one to
the other of these libraries?
I looked for the answers in the manual (vol.6) but
I did not find any answeer.