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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Range check error

Dear Olympia,
  The notices concerning Type501 are indicating that Type501 was found in more than one of the DLL files located in the \userlib directory and that only the first one of them was loaded. You get that notice because the ground temperature model is included in more than one of the TESS Libraries.

  The Range Check error is a different problem. Please make sure that you opened your building file with TRNBuild as there are some translation steps that must be made to the .bui by TRNBuild. If that does not solve the problem, the next step is that in the Studio, you can go to the control cards icon (where you set the simulation start and stop time) and change the Debug mode from "false" to "true." This will turn on some new debugging features in TRNSYS 16 that check whether one of the component's outputs was overwritten by another component or whether one of the components calculated a divide by zero. The message will show up in the list and log files. If you still cannot make sense of the error, then please feel free to send me your project (*.tpf, *.bui, and external files) and I will be happy to take a look at it for you.

At 02:09 AM 1/18/2005, Olympia Zogou wrote:
Dear Trnsys users,
I have some problems to "run simulation" in project made by TRNSYS 15, with TRNSYS 16. It is a building simulation project with type 56.
I have translate the old project from TRNSYS 15 to TRNSYS 16 without loosing the old conections.
The project runs very well in TRNSYS 15,
but when I try to run it, in Trnsys Simulation Studio (TRNSYS 16)  I get the next messages
" Range check error "
After clicking the OK BUTTON, I get
An unexepected error was encountered and TRNSYS will abort.
Open the list file I see warnigs and notices. The most of the notices
are related with TYPE 501(Ground Temperature Model - Utility Library TESS).
Is the only model I use from TESS library (see attached file  building.lst)
Any hints would be welcome.

best regards <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />




Dipl.-Ing. Olympia Zogou

Laboratory of Thermodynamics & Thermal Engines

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

University of Thessaly

Pedion Areos, 383 34 Volos, Greece

Tel. (+3024210) 74013, Fax (+3024210) 74096,

E-mail: olyz@uth.gr


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Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC
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