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TRNSYS - Error Code 306

4 Posts
2 Users
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Hi Everyone,
I have faced a problem within my project, and the problem is Error 
Message 306.

I have copied some part of the listing file o my project. What does 
the FORMAT mean in TRNSYS what should I do to solve these 3 error 

Listing file for: "C:\Users\Melih Meriç\Desktop\TRNSYS SAVE 

Notice at time        :         0.000000
     Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
     Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
     Message               : The TRNSYS Executable (TRNExe.exe) and 
main DLL (TRNDll.dll) are located in "C:\TRNSYS18\Exe"

  Pre-Processing the TRNSYS EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs to check for 
fatal errors.

  Pre-Processing of EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs completed with no 
fatal errors found.

  Evaluating the EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs to determine their initial values.

  Finished evaluating the EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs and ready to 
begin processing the remainder of the TRNSYS input file.

   VERSION        18

Fatal Error at time   :         0.000000
     Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
     Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
     TRNSYS Message    306 : Illegal FORMAT specification given. You 
may be missing a parentheses or you may be missing the required space 
between the T in FORMAT and the open parentheses. NOTE: format 
statements must be enclosed in paretheses as in: (F8.2,1X,F8.2)
     Reported information  : Error 306

Notice at time        :         0.000000
     Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
     Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
     TRNSYS Message    503 : Just before reporting the error while 
processing the TRNSYS input file, the TRNSYS processor was performing 
the task listed in the reported information line below.
     Reported information  : Processing the keyword: FORMAT

Fatal Error at time   :         0.000000
     Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
     Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
     Message               : Errors found while processing the TRNSYS 
input file.

The Following UNIT Numbers, TYPE Numbers, and Logical Units Were Used 
in the Supplied TRNSYS Input File:

Total TRNSYS Calculation Time:                          0.2900 Seconds

2 Answers

I can't say for sure from the information given, but if you haven't edited the .dck file directly my guess is you're using a specified-format version of either the Type 9 data reader or the Type 25 printer with an invalid format specification. The Fortran format specification is found on the 'Special Cards' tab of the proforma. The code (F8.2,1X,F8.2), for example, means read/write 8 digits with 2 digits following the decimal place, then read/write one blank space, then read/write another 8 digits with 2 digits following the decimal place. Unless you have a specific reason for using the specified-format version, I would recommend using the free format versions of the data reader and printer.


As a side note, I also noticed there are some Types shown in the .lst file that are obsolete in Trnsys18. Type 4 has been replaced by Types 156 and 158, and Type 6 has been replaced by Type 138. I would recommend replacing the Types in your project with their updated equivalents, especially if you find you're getting error messages or other strange behavior using the obsolete Types (that might be why they were given 'obsolete' status in Trnsys18!).

Topic starter

Thank for your reply. Unfortunately, I forgot to mention that I had this error when I want to calculate max heat load. On the other hand, this error does not comes up when I perform dynamics simulation. Now I am investigating the Types that you said "obsolete".

the mechanix Topic starter 13/12/2023 11:53 am

I have looked at project file both in TRNBuild and Simulation studio. In my project there is no storage tank usage, so I did not use the Type 4 actually. In simulation studio I used these types; Type9a as a reader, Type25d as a printer, Type65 a and d as a online plotter.

A_Weiss A_Weiss 13/12/2023 5:50 pm

@the-mechanix Thank you for the extra clarification! It helps a lot to know what changed in the project immediately before the error occurred. Can you explain what you did to 'calculate max heat load' - did you add an output from Type 56? Add a new printer? Add an equation block? If you did multiple things (like add an equation block and connect its output to a printer), can you retrace your changes step by step and identify exactly which action initiated the error?

Posting the complete .dck file or the complete .lst file would also help a lot - it's really hard to guess at what went wrong in TRNSYS's read of the .dck file from an incomplete copy of its readout.
