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References for the formulas used as modifying function used in component Type686 (Synthetic Building Loads Generator.)

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I would like to know the reference (book or paper) for the formulas used in the documentation of component Type686: Synthetic Building Loads Generator.
There are expressions for modifying functions for seasonal and hourly variation in the loads ( X_day and X_hour), but no reference is given. I have also mentioned them below in the text and the attachment. They are given in TESS model documentation in 08-LoadsStructuresLibraryMathematicalReference.

X_day=a_season+b_season(sin(180((TIME-Start of season)/(End of season-Start of season))))

X_hour=a_day+b_day(sin((-180*(TIME/12))+(180*(PEAK HOUR-12)/12))

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

1 Answer


  There isn't really a reference underlying Type686. The basic premise is that a building load is cyclic and more or less sinusoidal. All of the parameters are designed to help you set the period of the underlying sinusoid and then to add "signal noise" to it. We wrote the component years ago when we were presented with a graphical representation of a building's load over the course of a year. We didn't have any of the numbers that went into making the graphic so we just started playing around with overlaying sine and cosine functions with varying periods and amplitudes until we arrived at something similar. In the context of the project, we just needed something that resembled a building load; our focus was not on the building but on the central plant serving the building so the building load just had to be approximative.

kind regards,



Aditi_Garg Topic starter 30/08/2023 11:34 am

@davidbradley Thank you Sir, for answering my query. It was quite helpful.
