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new green roof comp...
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new green roof component

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TESS is pleased to announce the availability of a newly implemented model of a green roof that is intended to couple with Type56.

The model takes as parameters the dimensions, material and thermal properties of the soil, vegetation, and roof sublayers. Inputs to the model include ambient weather data (including solar radiation, ambient temperature, wind speed, and precipitation), zone temperature and heat
flux from the underlying building via the roof sublayer, and the fraction of the green roof that is covered by vegetation (the remainder is assumed to be bare soil). The model outputs the average soil temperature, the temperature at the interface between the soil and the roof sublayer, the moisture content of the soil, the runoff (if any) from the soil, and the energy transfer rates between the green roof and the ambient
environment. The model is written to couple with the TRNSYS Type 56 multi-zone building model. An example is provided in the TESS Models/Examples folder of the main TRNSYS18 directory. This green roof model was modeled after Optimal Design of Green Roofs: Mathematical Model and Experimental Evidence by Dr. Jing Hong.

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I have thoroughly searched the TESS Models/Examples folder in the main TRNSYS18 directory, but unfortunately, I could not find either the green roof component or the example that demonstrates its usage. It appears that these files are not present in the expected location.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with some guidance on where I can find the required files. Could you kindly specify the folder or location where I can locate the green roof model and example? Additionally, it would be helpful to know the specific type or identification number associated with this particular green roof model.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

TESS Engineer Moderator
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 155

@yuri_h The model is available for purchase as an individual component of the TESS libraries. Contact your TRNSYS distributor to order it as an individual component.

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@a_weiss We have the latest TESS libraries. But it is not available there. Could you please guide me?

TESS Engineer Moderator
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 155

@sajid In addition to the TESS libraries, TESS also has a number of models available for individual purchase. The green roof component is one of the individual TESS components that is not packaged with any of the libraries.


You can find a list of the available TESS individual components here: https://trnsys.com/tess-libraries/individual-components.php.html . To order an individual component, you can either email techsupport@tess-inc.com (or your distributor) and request a quote for the Type(s) you want, or download the appropriate order form at the bottom of this page: https://trnsys.com/tess-libraries/how-to-order.php.html , and list the Type(s) you want in the "Individual Non Standard Components" section of the order form. 
