Dear All,
I am trying to run genopt with TRNSYS 17. I am trying to run a GenOpt-Type56 example but when I try to run it, I cannot. I followed all the steps as described in the manual GenOpt-Type56.
I have installed genopt 2.1.0.
There is TRNOPT installed in trnsys as Optimization library, TESS. There is JAVA 8 (build 1.8.0_351-b10) installed as well.
I can run the trnsys from simulation studio but I cannot launch "StartOptimisation.bat"from the explorer or other web browser. I also tried to run, "genopt.ini" from WinGenOpt but it shows the following error:
After this i tried to follow the troubleshoot given in "USING GENOPT WITH TRNSYS 16 AND TYPE 56", and tried to follow the given solutions but i cannot still run the example.
It would be a great help if anyone can help me with running the example GenOpt-Type56.
Thank you in advance.
Ashmin Aryal