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[TRNSYS-users] Clarifications regarding the modified DST model (Type 548)

Dear TRNSYS users,

Are the four strings (3,3,2, and 2 boreholes per string) in parallel in the example "Restaurant with Vertical GHX"?. If they are in parallel, the influence of the neighbouring strings are not defined in Type 534. I think it is only the influence of boreholes in a string that are defined using the radial region parameter. If this example is only for four independent strings, where each string does not have influence on the neighbouring parallel strings, is there any parameter in Type 548 that accounts for the influence of parallel neighbouring strings.

Maybe, my understanding about this new Type and the previous one (Type 557) is not clear yet. Please I need clarifications on using Type 548 to model 152 boreholes (112 at the center and 40 at the edge). The center boreholes are plumbed into 4 sections of 7 parallel circuits, each with a string of 4 boreholes, while the edge boreholes are plumbed into 4 sections of 2 parallel circuits, each with a string of 5 boreholes. The center and edge boreholes have different input.

Thank you.
