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[TRNSYS-users] Indoor_illuminance

Dear David
I have tried to model the daylight model of a room to calculate the indoor illuminance and to see the impact of window, shade and light change on the illuminance following the TRNSYS manual. the steps I followed were (use the attached document)
1. Adding daylight control
2. from Geo-info- daylight sensor point- select the zone- location
3. in the given zone- adding-daylight control to on
My question is
when I changed the window from closed to open, the light switch from on to off or the shading fraction from zero to one, the output result is always constant, which means the indoor illuminance does not have any relation with those parameters.
would please suggest to me what mistake I did
best regards

Habtamu Tkubet
Université de Lorraine
Faculté des Sciences & Technologies - LERMAB and CRAN           
 Epinal, France
Tél :+2519 11 79 05 22 /773623147

Attachment: daylight_steps.docx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document