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[TRNSYS-users] Info weather forecast in Trnsys


for a project we are interested on weather forecast analysis in ordert o increase PV self consumption. I would like to understand if  there is the possibility (with a Type?) to calculate in Trnsys average values of variables (ambient temperature or solar irradiation) looking in the future (24h+ for example). What I would need is in each timestep to have the possibility to compare a variable with the average of that variable considering the next N timesteps. Someone could help me?



Toni Calabrese, MSc.

Wissenschaftlicher Projektleiter

toni.calabrese@spf.ch | toni.calabrese@ost.ch


T +41 58 257 4827


SPF Institut für Solartechnik

OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule

Oberseestr. 10 | CH-8640 Rapperswil | Switzerland | www.spf.ch | www.ost.ch