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Re: [TRNSYS-users] TYPE 941

Type941 models a heat pump that has a single speed compressor and a single speed fan. The device's capacity (the maximum amount of energy that it can transfer to/from the air) is a function of the inlet water temperature and the inlet air dry bulb temperature. It is not a function of the air flow rate. Changing the air flow rate will change the air outlet temperature but not the energy transferred to/from the air.

As a side note, there are some models of multistage and variable speed compressor heat pumps in which the capacity is a function of the air flow rate as well as of the inlet temperatures.

kind regards,


On 06/07/2022 10:59, Jen parken via TRNSYS-users wrote:
hello all
I have a question about type 941 
why whenever i change the amount of inlet air flow rate, the value of "heat transfer to air" doesn't change?
even though the value of output air flow rate (output6) changes when i change the value of the inlet flow rate 
I went through the equations in the documentation and i found that the heat transfer to air depends on the flow rate
please correct me if i am wrong

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