Said, I am not sure I understand whether you are trying to create a construction that has 2 layers of heating tubes or whether you are trying to avoid creating such a construction. Can you please clarify whether the picture that you included is what you want to model or if it is what you are concerned might be happening?
In general, an ADJACENT wall (or floor or ceiling) defined in
TRNBuild does not have any mirroring in it. You create the layers
of the wall however you wish and then you go to one of the two
zones to which the wall is adjacent and you set whether that zone
contains the front or the back of the wall. So if the construction
you create is made up of the layers: sol, dale, tubes, chape,
parquet and you define that construction to be ADJACENT (between
two zones) then one of the zones will have the "sol" face and the
other zone will have the "parquet" face in it.
If, on the other hand, you want to have a construction that has two active layers in it you'll need to define something called a "direct contact" zone in between them. This is a kind of very low volume virtual airnode that sits between two BOUNDARY constructions. Defining one can be confusing so if the picture below represents what you want, please let me know and I'll try to explain how to do it.
Two side notes:
1. the picture you sent seems like it is intended for a ground floor rather than for an adjacent floor (given the compacted soil layer). If that is indeed the case then you'll want to define the construction as a BOUNDARY rather than as ADJACENT. 2. you're going to need to sandwich the tubing layer between two screed (chape) layers. When you are defining the construction enter the first screed layer as having half of the actual layer's thickness. Next add the active layer and a second screed layer will be added below it. You can move the tubing layer up and down in the screed layer by adjusting the thickensses of the two adjoining layers but you can't put the tubing at the very bottom of the screed layer as it is pictured in your drawing.
kind regards, David
On 06/01/2022 14:48, Said LAMGHARI
-- *************************** David BRADLEY Principal Thermal Energy System Specialists, LLC 3 North Pinckney Street - suite 202 Madison, WI 53703 USA P:+1.608.274.2577 |