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[TRNSYS-users] Data file that is not dependend on time


I am trying to implement the VDI 4655 into TRNSYS. Maybe someone knows it and allready used it – then I’d appreciate if you could tell me, how you did it.

Otherwise it doesn’t really matter what the VDI is about.


My problem is the following:

I know how to implement a data file, that has time-dependent values and that is read for each timestep (Type 9e).
But what I need is a Type, that just reads values in that can then be accessed.

I try to explain what I mean exactly.


Depending on the outside temperature, a day is classified into a category (e.g. 3 categories.) Depending on this category, a factor is applied to a formular. Furthermore, the factor is also dependend on a climate region (e.g 15 regions).

So that means, i want to insert the Matrix (15*3) into TRNSYS and then, a secific value is chosen, depending on the input variable. E.g. the temperatur is 10°C which means category 2 and the climate region is No. 4 (Input 1 (category): 2, Input 2 (region) 4). I therfore want the entry X2Y4 of my Matrix as the output.

Is this even possible? Or do i have to insert that Matrix into the F90 code of a new type?

Any help is highly appreciated.


Best regards,
Jan Boettner