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[TRNSYS-users] COP Type 941 Ait to water Heat Pump

Dear all users,

About the Type 941 (Trnsys v.17):

About the first question:

I know as Parameters:

and as Input:

and as external files

So when the simulation running:

  1. The Type 941 reads the air and water entering temperature (Tin,w and Tin,a)
  2. Interpolates the heating performance file and multiplies this “performance factor” by HP Rated capacity and power. (fc(Tin,a;Tin,w) and fp(Tin,a;Tin,w))
  3. So obtain Capacity and Power as a function of entering the water and air temperature by each time step. (qh(t)=fcqh,d and ph(t)=fpph,d)
  4. Calculates the COPh as a ratio between qh(t)/(ph(t)+pblower) , i put paux=0

Is it correct??

Thank you in advance,
Miriam Di Matteo

Attachment: BilancioMensile_Cap-Vol.b17
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Impianto di Riscaldamento_HP_Rad_v2.tpf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: AWHP_Type941_H.dat
Description: Binary data