Hello Oselen, yes, Type 399 can output temperatures with in the constructions at user-defined depths. (further information
https://www.trnsys.de/en/addons) You may run Type 399 in parallel to your Tpe56 modelling. Thus, you don’t have to adapt your TRNSYS model.
Maybe you need some more outputs for passing the boundary conditions to Type 399 This is a mission impossible for the standard wall model of TRNSYS. Regards, Marion Transsolar Software Team hotline@transsolar.com Transsolar
Stuttgart | Munich | Paris | New York Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH | Curiestrasse 2 | 70563 Stuttgart | Germany CEO: Matthias Schuler, Thomas Auer, Stefan Holst, Dieter Schnelle
Registered at Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 23347 | USt-IdNr.: DE 152272639 Von: TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users-bounces@lists.onebuilding.org>
Im Auftrag von Oselen Imafidon via TRNSYS-users Hello All, Is it possible to calculate the inner wall temperature using Type 399 (PCM in passive and active wall construction), i.e can I get the temperature of any node in the wall construction. I understand that for Type 56, I am only able to get just the surface temperatures because the response factor is developed for the whole wall construction. Is there any workaround I can use to be able to estimate the
temperature of each layer? Thank you, Oselen Imafidon Sent from
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