Dear Trnsys users, as part of my research I would like to model a building with domestic hot water and space heating system supplied by district heating, common boiler, heat pump, etc… As I would like to model the state of the art I would like to use a heat pump with variable speed compressor. Is there a variable speed heat pump model or any known workaround with the current existing models?
Thank you for your answer! Best Regards, Christopher Graf Christopher Graf, M.Sc. Fraunhofer-Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Energiesystemtechnik IEE FuE-Bereich Energiewirtschaftliche Prozessintegration Abteilung Thermische Energiesystemtechnik Gottschalkstr. 28a | 34127 Kassel | Germany (Besuchsadresse) Königstor 59 | 34119 Kassel |Germany (Postadresse)
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