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[TRNSYS-users] indoor temperature is unstable

Dear TRNSYS users, 

I am validating my model with a experimental room (room). The room has a floor heating system and I simulated the indoor temperature in the case of floor heating turning off. 

I input the collected weather data(weather1.txt) into the simulation (room.b18 & room.tpf). 

I compared my simulated indoor temperature with the measured one. I found that the simulated indoor temperature is unstable when the measured temperatures fluctuate similarly for each day (indoor temperature.png). I just don't known what would contribute to this mismatch when they shared the same weather condition. 

Have anyone faced this problem before? any ideas to figure out this mismatch?

I will very appreciate for any helps!


Attachment: room.png
Description: Binary data

Attachment: weather1.txt
Description: Binary data

Attachment: =?gb18030?b?aW5kb29yIHRlbXBlcmF0dXJlLnBuZw==?=
Description: Binary data

Attachment: room.b18
Description: Binary data

Attachment: room.tpf
Description: Binary data